Learn mORE about me

Breathe a Sigh of Relief

You've come to the
right place.

(And you're right on time.)

Well hi there! I’m Melissa and I believe that if leaders don’t invest in their own development, their confidence and personal fulfillment start to suffer. That’s why I offer personalized coaching programs that women and organizations need to grow and thrive. Because you deserve to live a balanced, joyful, and fulfilling life! Just wait, if you stick around long enough, I’ll have you believing anything is possible.

one-on-one Coaching

team coaching

business development

For Business Women Who Want to Grow Their Influence and Impact

For the Department That Needs a Bit of Spark

For the Company Who Wants to Experience Exponential Growth


Less Hustle & More Flow

Regardless of where you’re at in your career, or what stage of life you’re in, shift happens. That’s why I’m dedicated to helping you stay balanced, rise to whatever challenge you’re facing, and step into your power - in & out of the office.


1:1 Coaching

"It was the best investment I have ever made. She's incredible!"

4 & 8 Private Calls

Email Support

Private FB Group

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"This Facebook Membership Community is so beyond words, it brings incredible value!

→ Weekly  Live Coaching

Join Today for $33!

Candy sweet roll jelly-o topping caramels caramels macaroon donut chupa chups. Sweet wafer liquorice sugar plum cupcake tiramisu chocolate cake.

→ Like-minded community

→ Monthly guest experts

→ workbooks and more

“Melissa is a “go-getter.” Her extensive background in human relations and business organization helps unlock her client’s ability to achieve their goals. She motivated me to get organized, stay on task and clearly define what my goals are moving into 2020! I’m a successful real estate agent, but I know with her professional guidance I will reach my new professional goals.”

- Missie

“Working with Melissa has helped me to become a better person all around. I’ve been able to integrate what we’ve been working on in the workplace and apply those techniques and relationship building dynamics at home, too. In turn, it’s boosted my confidence and allowed to successfully shift into my new role.”

- Stephanie

“Melissa has been remarkable in spending as much time as possible to not just explain things but to actually show me, sketch out ideas, and follow up with a detailed summary & next steps. She has great follow-up and follow-through.”


What They Said....




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